
Daniel Powter ------ Love You Lately


Daniel Powter ------ Love You Lately



  DP的一首抒情歌曲,最近好像上了瘾一样反反复复地听着, It becomes my favorite song lately!  
这首歌收录在DP的Deluxe Edition中,先欣赏,再看简介

  Daniel Powter ------ Love You Lately  

You packed your last two bags.  
A taxi's 'round the bend.   
You used to laugh out loud,
But you can't remember when.   
You lost your lies.
It's like your moving out of time,  
And the whole word crumbles right beneath you.

So, I might've made a few mistakes,   
But that was back when you would smile,
And we would go everywhere,   
But we ain't been there for awhile.
And this I know,   
There's a place that we can go
A place where I can finally let you know. .  
Cause I'm the one that loves you lately. 
You and me, we got this great thing.  
We're the only one's that around,   
We're the only one's that around this Babylon.  
I hope you find whatever you've been lookin' for.   
Just remember where you're from and who you are,  
Cause there's a thousand lights that'll make you feel brand new,   
But if you ever lose your way, I'll be right here for you.   

Cause I'm the one that loves you lately.
You and me, we got this great thing.  
So, come back and you sit down. Relax.   
Everything's to see that you've come a long, long way,  
And it's the place that you should be.   
Cause I'm the one that loves you lately.   
You and me, we got this great thing.  
Cause I'm the one that loves you lately.   
You and me, we got this great thing.   
And we're the only one's that around,   
We're the only one's that around this Babylon.   

歌手:Daniel Powter
专辑名称:Daniel Powter(Deluxe Edition)  
音乐市场一阵阵复古、庞克、饶舌之后,人们的心灵除了需求慰藉外,更期盼得到安抚,就像 70年代的Elton John,80年代的Chris De Burgh等人的钢琴抒情曲,不仅令人感动,更令人回味。在期待了许多年之后,2005年终于再次听到了浪漫、感伤、忧郁的琴韵歌声,那就是新世纪城市琴人,加拿大创作才子Daniel Powter终于现声。   
2005年夏季率先以欧洲做为起点、正式出道的Daniel Powter,便以一首引人共鸣、充满感染力的热门单曲、同时也是可口可乐欧洲地区广告主题曲的“Bad Day”,立即征服全欧然后回红至美洲、随即更成功地攻占日本以及全球音乐市场。由于Daniel的创作才华不仅表现在钢琴的慢版声中,在R & B的节奏以及灵魂的假音唱腔上面也有着令人惊艳的精彩演出,使得其首张同名作品,即展现出兼具现代都会流行风、轻型节奏蓝调的精致特色。因此,首张专辑在全球发行短短数月,便已创下大破百万张的销售数字,其中更以日本近60万张(且仍急速增加中)的销售成绩最为亮眼。专辑中不仅诞生出横扫各国排行榜龙头席位的冠军曲“Bad Day”,其他如“Free Loop”“Jimmy Gets High”“Lie To Me”等热门作品,也都已成为许多排行榜上的娇客。Daniel并已荣获加拿大朱诺(Juno)奖“最佳新人”头衔、MTV欧洲音乐奖“最佳新人”以及2006全英音乐奖“最具突破性国际艺人”双项提名,使得Daniel无疑的是今年度西洋乐坛的新人王。  

为了回报全球乐迷的热烈支持,Daniel特别在岁末之前发行此款CD+DVD加值庆功盘,除了在原有专辑CD中再加收一首全新创作排行抒情单曲“Love You Lately”,所附赠的DVD亦分为DVD Audio与DVD Video两大部份:DVD Audio乃是以高解析立体声将整张专辑再次呈现,并附赠五首现场版以及“Stupid Like This”这首专辑未收录曲,让乐迷透过不同媒介再次接受丹尼尔的作品所给予的纯听觉飨宴;DVD Video部份则是提供乐迷视觉与听觉的同步双重享受,除了将“Bad Day”“Free Loop”“Jimmy Gets High”“Lie To Me”这四首畅销单曲MV全数奉送外,更收录8首特别精心录制的现场演唱实况,其中包含“Stupid Like This”“Back On The Streets”“Wasted”三首专辑未收录的曲目。  




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